Gf and wife difference

A girlfriend is like a phone and a
wife is like a t.v.
Here are my reasons:
- at home u watch t.v but when
you go out, you take ur
cellphone with u
-you use the same t.v for alm0st
ur lifetime, but u
... change cellphones evrytime a
new model comes in
-sum times u enjoy t.v, but
most of da time u play with ur
- a t.v is big and old, but a
cellphone is cute, slim, curvy and
-with a cellphone u talk and
listen, with a t.v u just listen all
the time
- you always show ur friends
your cellphone, but neva show
dem ur t.v
- and lastly, t.v's dont have
viruses, but cellphones
often do!